Monday, July 18, 2016

Report: Roger Ailes To Resign Or Be Fired From Fox "News"

From Gabriel Sherman:
Roger Ailes's tenure as the head of Fox News may be coming to an end. Rupert Murdoch and sons Lachlan and James — co-chairmen and CEO, respectively, of parent company 21st Century Fox — have settled on removing the 76-year-old executive, say two sources briefed on a sexual-harassment investigation of Ailes being conducted by New York law firm Paul, Weiss. After reviewing the initial findings of the probe, James Murdoch is said to be arguing that Ailes should be presented with a choice this week to resign or face being fired. Lachlan is more aligned with their father, who thinks that no action should be taken until after the GOP convention this week. Another source confirms that all three are in agreement that Ailes needs to go. 
Roger "Jabba the Nut" Ailes has been a cancer on American life for far too long.  But the cancer didn't start there -- it started decades ago with vile coot Rupert "Aargh" Murdoch's use of his media empire to spread hateful and malicious propaganda for the Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid/ Shooter's Party.  Jabba was just the COO of the operation, and they'll just replace him with a younger Jabba, Jr., version.

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