Friday, July 1, 2016

What Were They Thinking? Oh, Wait, Thinking Wasn't Involved

Just when the Benghazi Benghazi BENGHAZI!!! political hatchet job imploded, a new unforced error has given Rethugs something to spin yarns about.  This time, it's foot-shooting former President Bill Clinton, who has haplessly muddied the water regarding the ongoing investigation by the FBI into Secretary Clinton's handling of classified documents on her private server. When at the Phoenix airport waiting for a flight, Clinton learned that Attorney General Loretta Lynch's plane was at the airport, and the two had an impromptu meeting aboard Lynch's plane. Lynch had said that the two never discussed the FBI investigation on any other matters before the Justice Department. Fine, we believe her, but why on earth didn't she keep the former President at arm's length knowing that a meeting would be seen as inappropriate, no matter how innocent (the former President has a long-standing proclivity for self-inflicted wounds, particularly ones that ricochet to his wife, so for him it's par for the course).

Lynch is reiterating today that she will accept the FBI's and prosecutor's findings and recommendations without challenge, but this was an unnecessary goof that could give the Rethugs a few more news cycles to cynically exploit.

BONUS: Charles Pierce is not happy with this development either.


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