Tuesday, August 9, 2016

All You Need To Know About Trump's Economic "Plan"

In one tweet:

That's plus 3.3 million jobs under Clinton's plan, and minus 7.6 million jobs under Trump's.

That's not even touching on the effect of Trump's "plan" on the national debt (adding $12 trillion), the reliance on debunked "trickle down" economics through tax policies favoring the rich and corporations, and gutting regulations to allow the polluters and banksters to run roughshod over the environment and economy.  So much for Trump's phony populism.  As one writer put it:
On immigration and trade, he is a pitchfork-wielding Pat Buchanan Republican; on taxes and regulation, he is a dark-suited Paul Ryan Republican. Perhaps the old saying is right and consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
Little hands, little, uh, mind.

BONUS:  Let's give it the Andy Borowitz treatment:
At a speech in Detroit on Monday, the Republican Presidential nominee, Donald J. Trump, spelled out the details of his economic plan, which calls for every American to inherit millions of dollars from his or her father.

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