Thursday, August 18, 2016

Amen: Hate Preacher's Home Flooded

Louisiana's epic flooding has claimed the home of Family Research Council President Tony "Full of Baloney" Perkins, the blowdried anti-gay leader whose organization has been classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.  The group is also infamous for its association with serial underage sister molester / adultery site customer Josh Duggar, who was once in charge of FRC Action, their legislative action arm ("Duggar family values, y'all!"). Perkins had to flee his now destroyed home in a flood he described as one of "biblical proportions" in a canoe and is currently living in an RV with his family. Just last year, Perkins said that natural disasters were "God trying to send us a message," specifically about the acceptance of LGBT rights.

So we imagine this flood may be sending this message to hate-monger Perkins: missed you this time, but next time, the fire.


  1. I think Depeche Mode is right. God DOES have a sick sense of humor!!!!

  2. Feline -- In this case, aimed at a sick guy.
