Friday, August 5, 2016

Cries Of Woe From Rethug Insiders

Washington's political racing form Politic-ho has been churning out some sharp critiques of neo-fascist demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump of late (including yesterday's investigative piece on Melania "Four Score and Seven Years" Trump's sketchy immigration history). This morning, they've got a wrap up of the panic within the ranks of Rethuglican operatives over Rump's precipitous decline in the polls and his inability to exercise impulse control.  Some are hoping for der Trumpenfuhrer to drop out as he sees his defeat looming. Others realize his dangerous egomania won't allow that. Some observations from those operatives:
“Trump won the nomination,” a Michigan Republican said. “He should lose fair and square. Only then will the party base have to reckon with what they've done.” 
“I want Trump to feel the blame for this loss,” added an Iowa Republican, “not put it on the doorstep of ‘the Establishment.’”
The problem with this "thinking" is that the "party base" has been cultivated by "the Establishment" for decades using dog whistle messaging to believe every right-wing conspiracy theory, to despise and scapegoat minority groups and independent women, to substitute ignorance for thought, and to vote against their socio-economic interests. There's plenty of "blame" to go around, but it starts with that "Establishment."


  1. "Only then will the party base have to reckon with what they've done."

    Yeah, I'm sure that will happen, Trumpanzees are so good at introspection.
