Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Morning Reading: "There's Something Wrong With Trump"

Echoing what has been a rather consistent observation in the left blogosphere, neo- con Robert Kagan has taken to the op/ ed page of the once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle to sound the alarm on neo- fascist sociopathic narcissist Donald "Rump" Trump:
...The most important fact is that he is unable to control his responses to criticism. He must double down every time, even if it means digging himself deeper and deeper into the hole. 
Imagine such a person as president. What we have seen in the Trump campaign is not only a clever method of stirring up the anger in people. It is also a personality defect that has had the effect of stirring up anger. And because it is a defect and not a tactic, it would continue to affect Trump’s behavior in the White House. It would determine how he dealt with other nations. It would determine how he dealt with critics at home. It would determine how he governed, how he executed the laws, how he instructed the law-enforcement and intelligence agencies under his command, how he dealt with the press, how he dealt with the opposition party and how he handled dissent within his own party. His personality defect would be the dominating factor in his presidency, just as it has been the dominating factor in his campaign. His ultimately self-destructive tendencies would play out on the biggest stage in the world, with consequences at home and abroad that one can barely begin to imagine. It would make him the closest thing the United States has ever had to a dictator, but a dictator with a dangerously unstable temperament that neither he nor anyone else can control. 
From the Squint and Meatpuppet show, questions for Bush Administration head of the National Security Agency Gen. Michael Hayden:
[Joe] Scarborough: What concerns you most about Donald Trump?

Hayden: How erratic he is. I can argue about this position or that position—I do that with the current president. But he’s inconsistent. And when you’re the head of a global superpower, inconsistency, unpredictability, those are dangerous things. They frighten your friends and they tempt your enemies.

Harold Ford: General Hayden, who among your peers do you know who’s advising Mr. Trump?

Hayden: No one.
We could find much more, but what's the point?  If you aren't convinced by now that Rump is a mortal threat, another op/ ed or talking head won't convince you.

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