Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Pic of the Day: Winky's Tumble

"It's OK, Ms. Palin. It's still empty."

Fulltime grifter and halftime former Gov. Sarah "Winky" Palin fell off a bar stool tumbled during a run this past weekend, and gashed her thick head. She shared photos on her policy platform social media, and of course, Winky being Winky, she took the opportunity to say some nonsensical things about Hillary Clinton "cookie baking" and "wedding planning" in her own word-salad way. Clearly her fall didn't knock some sense into her. But perhaps the choicest line was when she said,
“I tripped over my own two feet and crashed and burned face-first.”
Which could also be said about her life in politics.


  1. Geez, sarah, that's pretty drastic to keep yourself relevant, no?????
    I would be embarrassed as hell to post this on social media. Pictures, even.
    Oh, but then again, you're sarah palin. "Vanity, my favorite sin." (H/T The Devil's Advocate)
    Who runs on rocks?? NEVERMIND!
    (KUDOS to the "image")

    "Oh,no I've said too much, I haven't said enough" (sorry Michael Stipe)

  2. She's a wealth of unintentional hilarity, and still isn't over her rejection in 2008 (much like her sponsor McCain). Thanks Feline.
