Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Post Time! Local "News" Plays Its Role In The Horserace Narrative, Too

We mostly focus on the role of the national media in creating the 2016 horserace narrative, but local "news" plays its brain dead part as well.  As an example, here are clips from yesterday's local NBC affiliate in Washington, DC, with the local anchor using One Poll to flog the "race tightening" theme (although the delta between polls is within the margin of error) and, to his credit, NBC News' Mark Murray offering her a little perspective (in the second clip):

The clip continues:

We see this almost every day on our local "news," who are just as willing as their network counterparts to try to "normalize" this campaign and neo- fascist ass boil Donald "Rump" Trump, and reduce it to a "who's up, who's down" metric. That's why we had to give a little "yay" to Murray's putting things into perspective for the eager local fluffer.

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