Saturday, August 20, 2016

Racist Sheriff Faces Criminal Contempt Charges

Federal District Judge Murray Snow is seeking criminal contempt charges for the notorious wingnut sheriff of Maricopa County, AZ, Joe "The Profiler" Arpaio for refusing to obey a court order in May to cease the profiling of latinos in his county. In referring the case to Federal prosecutors, Judge Snow wrote:
"There is also probable cause to believe that many if not all of the statements were made in an attempt to obstruct any inquiry into their further wrongdoing and negligence."
Thus, on top of violating the original order, the renegade sheriff also obstructed the investigation into whether he and his lieutenants were continuing to violate the order and gave false statements in the matter, resulting in the criminal contempt charge.

Arpaio, who spoke at the Rethuglican National Convention, and who vocally supports neo-fascist demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump, is also a "birther" who insists that President Obama is not a U.S. citizen. Some outside of Arizona may also know that Joe the Profiler adopted the practice of dressing his jail's inmates in pink underwear and housing them outside in tents in the hot Arizona climate. Perhaps now, he'll have an opportunity to wear those pink undies that he likes to humiliate his prisoners with.


  1. Well, it's about TIME someone came down on this POS! The shit he has gotten away with for sooo long has been DISGUSTING!!
    I lived in AZ (Prescott) & loved it!! I have been appalled at what he's been doing & gotten away with! GO Judge Snow, GO!!!

  2. Amen, Feline. According to various reports, there are more legal shoes to drop on Joe the Profiler.
