Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Teach Your Children - Trump Edition Part 2

We noted in the post below how sick anger infects Trumpshirts from their hatred of minorities and women, to the spectacle of a child uttering obscenities at a rally of his. Well, it seems that the rotten apple hasn't fallen far from the diseased tree. Here's son Eric Trump, a Gordon Gekko doppelgängerputting the burden on women in the workplace to stave off sexual predators, while defending his father neo-fascist narcissist Donald "Rump" Trump's comment in USA Today that suggests that women should look for another career if they've been sexually harassed at work:
"I think what he’s saying is, Ivanka is a strong, powerful woman, she wouldn’t allow herself to be objected to it. And by the way, you should take it up with Human Resources, and I think she would as a strong person, at the same time, I don’t think she would allow herself to be subjected to that. I think that’s a point he was making, and I think he did so well.”
First, sister Ivanka heads up one of Rump's companies, so she could fire anyone that looks at her cross-eyed. Second, sexual harassment is a perverse way of asserting  one's power, and if the harasser is in a position of power already, the victim has little recourse. Third, given his father's history with women -- including his admission of lust for his own daughter -- he might want to clean up his own household before counseling female victims of sexual harassment. Fourth, "gfy", you rich brat.

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