Thursday, August 11, 2016

Trump Again Hoisted On His Own Petard

(Photo:  Getty Images)
This is richly deserved karma (h/t Daily Kos):
The Trump campaign thinks it has found real campaign gold in the fact that Seddique Mateen, the father of Orlando mass murderer Omar Mateen, attended a Hillary Clinton rally and managed to be seated on stage behind Clinton. So clearly the Trump campaign carefully vets each and every person to appear on stage behind Donald Trump at his rallies, right? About that: Former Rep. Mark Foley—remember him? The one who resigned in disgrace in 2006 after his sexually explicit messages to teenage congressional pages surfaced?—was sitting right there behind Trump at an event where Trump was criticizing Clinton over Mateen.  (our emphasis)
That's disgraced former Rep. Foley in the red shirt sitting just to the right of the blue Trump/ Pence sign.

If you're going to practice guilt by association, we can all play that game.

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