(Credit: Democratic Underground)
Charles Blow has a good read about "deplorables." Here's a sampling (our emphasis):
Donald Trump is a deplorable candidate — to put it charitably — and anyone who helps him advance his racial, religious and ethnic bigotry is part of that bigotry. Period. Anyone who elevates a sexist is part of that sexism. The same goes for xenophobia. You can’t conveniently separate yourself from the detestable part of him because you sense in him the promise of cultural or economic advantage. That hair cannot be split.
Furthermore, one doesn’t have to actively hate to contribute to a culture that allows hate to flourish.
It doesn’t matter how lovely your family, how honorable your work or service, how devout your faith — if you place ideological adherence or economic self interest above the moral imperative to condemn and denounce a demagogue, then you are deplorable.He then provides some facts -- those things the media likes to ignore -- and concludes:
I understand that people recoil at the notion that they are part of a pejorative basket. I understand the reflexive resistance to having your negative beliefs disrobed and your sense of self dressed down.
I understand your outrage, but I’m unmoved by it. If the basket fits …Right now, if the polls are even somewhat accurate, the basket fits about 41 percent of likely voters. Now that's deplorable. Period.
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