Friday, September 23, 2016

Rump's Proposed Assault On Environment (UPDATED)

Yesterday, executives from corporate polluters heard neo-fascist sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump promise that if he's elected, he'll gut environmental protections and open up public lands to their exploitation. Invoking the "America First" slogan originally used by pro-Nazi isolationists in 1930s America, Rump said,
“We need an America-First energy plan. This means opening federal lands for oil and gas production; opening offshore areas; and revoking policies that are imposing unnecessary restrictions on innovative new exploration technologies.”
Sounds like the tired "drill, baby, drill" mantra of one of Rump's early supporters.

As a climate change denier, Rump also pledged to the assembled greedheads that he'll trash the signature accomplishments of the Obama Administration dealing with climate change, the Clean Power Plan, and the Climate Action Plan, the latter of which commits the U.S. to meeting carbon reduction goals along with the international community. But Rump didn't stop there. He also pledged to undo the "Waters of the United States Rule," which governs clean water protection in new wetlands and waterways, and which has opposition from corporate agriculture and fossil fuel companies more interested in polluting upstream water resources than protecting them.

Rump's dangerous ignorance about global climate change is on display in the real-world application of environmental protections here in the U.S., and represents yet another reason why he has to be defeated in November.

UPDATE:  Next Tuesday, the Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia will hear arguments from the corporate polluters that the Clean Power Plan should be voided. Appointing Federal Judges that side with the public vs. corporate interests is another example of why voting matters so much.

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