Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Man Who Would Be Commander In Chief (UPDATED)

Priorities USA Action has this 30- second ad up with some typically inane comments from neo- fascist ninny and would- be Man on a White Horse Donald "Rump" Trump.  (He'll be trying to look "presidential" tonight at a "Commander in Chief Forum" in New York City, with Hillary Clinton appearing separately):

A puddle of water is deeper and contains more intelligent life than this sh*tgibbon.

UPDATE:  The abysmal performance of NBC's Matt Lauer in the "Commander in Chief Forum" is being panned all over.  But, as Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog wisely says, it shouldn't distract us from the reality of how awful neo- fascist bullshitter Donald "Rump" Trump was in his "Commander in Chief" audition.

UPDATE II:  Though we agree with Steve M., we have to share this snippet from Jonathan Chait's take:
Lauer’s attempt to press Trump was the completely ineffectual technique of asking repeatedly if he is ready to serve as commander-in-chief. Lauer probably believes the answer is no, but nothing about this question would drive home Trump’s extraordinary lack of knowledge. Instead it allowed him to performatively demonstrate his confident, alpha-male reality-show character as a prospective chief executive. 
Both of these beliefs stun and appall foreign-policy experts in both parties, as readers of the Washington Post or the New York Times know. But the average undecided voter isn’t reading those newspapers. The average undecided voter is getting snippets of news from television personalities like Lauer, who are failing to convey the fact that the election pits a normal politician with normal political failings against an ignorant, bigoted, pathologically dishonest authoritarian.

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