Thursday, September 29, 2016

These North Carolina Peckerwoods Need A Secret Service Visit

Last month, Donald Trump appeared to encourage the “Second Amendment people” to shoot Hillary Clinton if she wins this November. Now, the unhinged Republican nominee's jaw-dropping comments appear to be gaining some terrifying traction. 
A North Carolina gun-rights group recently announced “The Hillary Clinton Special” — a raffle promising participants the chance to win an AR-15 assault rifle, 1,000 rounds of ammunition and a portrait of Hillary Clinton, which the group claims is “very popular at the range.”  (our emphasis)
The flyer announcing the raffle appeared under the header "Grant Gardner, GRNC-PVF Treasurer" (that's "Grass Roots North Carolina-Political Victory Fund").  Just a reminder for goober Gardner and his fellow assassination enthusiasts:
 (a) Whoever knowingly and willfully threatens to kill, kidnap, or inflict bodily harm upon - (1) a former President or a member of the immediate family of a former President; (2) a member of the immediate family of the President, the President-elect, the Vice President, or the Vice President-elect; (3) a major candidate for the office of President or Vice President, or a member of the immediate family of such candidate; or (4) a person protected by the Secret Service under section 3056(a)(6); shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both. (18 U.S.C. Sect. 879)
Secretary Clinton comes under (1) and (3), above.  Handing out targets with Secretary Clinton's picture seems like a threat to us. Ding-dong, Secret Service calling.

Proceeds from the raffle are going to gun- humping Republican mouth breathers opposing these North Carolina Democrats:

Roy Cooper (for Governor)

Deborah Ross (for U.S. Senate)

Josh Stein (for State Attorney General)

Consider donating to these Democrats and help them win their races. Please go to those links and let's negate some of the money coming from the knuckle- draggers, shall we?

(Image:  low caliber North Carolina gun humper -- visual approximation)

1 comment:

  1. I don't think visits from the SS serves any purpose. What do they do/say?
    Once the statement(s) are out there, what?? Seeds have been planted. Can't put that genie back in the bottle. I never hear ANY follow-up on this stuff.
    Remember palin's don't retreat, RELOAD comment with cross hairs? Here in NV, s.angle's remarks, & on & on, ... Trump, too!!!!!!!! Just Google "2nd Amendment remedy" quotes.
    Soooooooo DISGUSTING!!!!
    It's all just a big joke to these creeps. Hee Haw. Knee slappers. "I gets on the internets", says gomer.
    Thanks for letting me "vent"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
