(Matt Wuerker, Politico)
Over the past few days, we saw not only neo- fascist pathological liar Donald "Rump" Trump attempt to pin the origins of the "birther" movement onto Secretary Clinton, but lesser weasels were also flogging the long- ago debunked lie:
“People get convicted every single day with circumstantial evidence that is enough to tip the scale,” [Republican National Committee Chairweasel Reince] Priebus told CBS host John Dickerson in an interview that aired Sunday. “And by the preponderance of evidence before us, Hillary Clinton or her campaign were definitely involved in this issue. We can’t keep saying it’s not true. That’s ridiculous.”
“It’s not fiction, it’s the truth,” he added. [snip]
“It was a issue that he [Trump] was interested in” Priebus said. “The preponderance of evidence shows Hillary Clinton started it, and after getting this issue resolved, he proclaimed on Friday that he believed the president was born in America.”So, according to lesser weasel Priebus, not only did Clinton start the birther movement, but Rump was only "interested" in it, and in fact "resolved" it. Were we living in a just universe, at that instant Priebus would have immediately dropped into the lake of fire never to be seen again.
All of which goes to show, once again, that this sickness on the right isn't peculiar to Rump or his running mate Mike "Dense" Pence (who trafficked in the same lie), but rather is in the DNA* of this loathesome pack of racists, liars and con artists, as well as its media arm, Fox "News" -- which was eager to put Rump's King Birther role "off the table."
BONUS: Paul Waldman on how this is all part of a descent into madness in this election.
* BONUS II: Deplorables.
The 49% of people voting for Trump are doing it *because* he's an offensive, outrageous jerk. Not in spite of it.— David Atkins (@DavidOAtkins) September 18, 2016
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