Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Ecuador Clips Assange's Wings

Yesterday, Ecuador announced that it was the "state actor" that had cut of the internet connection for alleged rapist and Russian intelligence services asset Julian "Ass Is Part of Who I Am" Assange this past Sunday. They explained that they couldn't condone the interference of Assange's' WikiLeaks organization in U.S. elections. Assange, who has been holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London for the past four years to avoid extradition to Sweden to face rape charges, has been directing the timed release of e-mails hacked by Russian intelligence from the Democratic National Committee, the State Department and the Clinton campaign staff aimed at embarrassing Clinton and influencing the election in favor of sociopathic authoritarian Donald "Rump" Trump.

As a sign that WikiLeaks is prepared to pressure Ecuador to permit Assange's continuing asylum at their London embassy, they released a "pre-commitment" code entitled "Ecuador," which signifies that they have damaging documents that could be used against the Ecuadorean government. Blackmail, in plain language. It's well past time that Assange be brought to justice, and WikiLeaks be exposed as a willing partner with Russian intelligence services in their efforts to destabilize Western governments and institutions.

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