Monday, October 17, 2016

Heeeere's Donnie

There has been speculation for months that con artist and sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump's shampaign is an elaborate marketing stunt for Rump's life after the November elections. Someone who is continually and almost deliberately shooting himself in the foot doesn't appear to be someone who has his heart in winning the election or governing.

There are new reports of Rump's son-in-law Jared Kushner privately negotiating with media financiers about a Trump TV network, presumably to continue the fleecing of his dedicated deplorables and to create a political smear outlet that would feed off of other right-wing media. Last summer, Rump hired right-wing internet bomb thrower Steven Bannon, of the white supremacist site, as the CEO for his shampaign, perhaps the best signal of things to come as wingnut TV and internet resources would be merged. With the departure of Roger "Jabba the Nut" Ailes from the weakening Fux News channel, there will likely be a need for an experienced sexual harasser executive like Jabba to organize a round-the-clock outlet for unhinged rhetoric and conspiracy theories. In the meantime, he's stirring up the incoherent rage and paranoia of the Rethug base voter,  using the apparatus and logistics of the party, as what's left of the Rethug "establishment" looks on in dread.

The most satisfying schadenfreude will be toward the Rethuglican / New Confederate / Stupid / Shooters Party, which has nominated and supported this narcissistic, predatory con man, only to realize that they were his mark all along. Sad!

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