When sociopathic demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump gave that bizarre speech last Thursday in West Palm Beach, he summoned the ghosts of pre-WW II Germany when he conjured up an international "conspiracy" aimed at defeating him. In a sign that the alt-Right propagandist and Rump campaign CEO Steve Bannon is controlling Rump's message, Rump launched into an unhinged rant about a "global power structure" and "financial and media corporations" uniting behind Secretary Clinton. Here's an excerpt:
"The Clinton machine is at the center of this power structure. We've seen this first hand in the WikiLeaks documents, in which Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers, her special interest friends and her donors." (emphasis added)The Anti-Defamation League took note of the striking similarities between Rump's scapegoating rhetoric and that used by anti-Semites over the centuries, and warned him to avoid tropes that have been used to demonize Jews.
American white supremacists and neo-Nazis also noticed, and unlike the ADL, they liked what Rump said. One writer on the neo-Nazi website "Infostormer" said Rump's remarks were a "full-on strike on the Jews," and went on to fantasize about "rounding up the kikes onto the deportation trains." Rump fan, KKK leader David Duke, praised Rump's "incredible speech" and attacked "Jewish supremacists and Jewish radicals" whom he said have been dominating international banking, media and academia.
This is the alt-Right in full rage mode, with Bannon leading the way within the Rump campaign. Rump's stoking these psychopaths with his transparently anti-Semitic tropes. If anyone can look past this and rationalize voting for him, they're...what's the word...deplorable.
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