Thursday, October 20, 2016

Post- Debate Lede: Trump's Disgraceful Attack On American Democracy

Here's the only thing people are talking about in the wake of last night's third and final presidential debate:

(Attribution: Internet news headlines, via Daily Kos)

That's right.  Once again, when asked directly if he would accept the results of the election November 8, neo- fascist authoritarian Donald "Rump" Trump answered,
“I’ll look at it at the time."
When pressed for a definitive answer, Rump continued,
“What I’m saying is that I will tell you at the time. I’ll keep you in suspense. OK?”
Fellow Republicans, smelling the sulfurous fumes of their party's implosion and Rump's apparent decision to take as much of American democracy down with him, were quick to react:

Sorry. He's yours. You deserve him. You built that.

(Mike Luckovich, Atlanta Journal-Constitution)