The Al Smith Memorial Dinner charity fundraiser in New York City is a long-standing tradition, where every four years, the Presidential candidates traditionally trade jokes and engage in self-deprecating humor. Hillary Clinton and sociopathic narcissist Donald "Rump" Trump were at last night's event, and the clear winner (again) was Secretary Clinton. Her best lines included:
"This is such a special event that I took a break from my rigorous nap schedule … It is a treat for all of you, too, because usually I charge a lot for speeches like this."
"Come to think of it, it’s amazing I am appearing after Donald. I did not think he would be OK with a peaceful transition of power. And, Donald, after listening to your speech, I will also enjoy listening to Mike Pence deny that you ever gave it."
"Donald really is as healthy as a horse – you know, the one that Vladimir Putin rides around on."When it came Rump's turn, he rather quickly dropped any pretense of civility and descended into petty attacks on Clinton, devoid of humor. The crowd, which expects some barbs but not humorless attacks, started booing the angry buffoon.
No one should have been surprised at Rump's loutishness, given the smackdown the Clinton delivered to him on Wednesday night and his long history of attacking people that disagree with him. Since he knows so little about charity to begin with, perhaps he just thought turning the event into a campaign rally would be well received. He was very wrong, as he always is.
BONUS: You can read a lot of postmortems on the performances of Hillary Clinton and neo- fascist Giant Toddler** Donald "Rump" Trump at last night's Al Smith Memorial Dinner. (You can start here, or here, or here, or here, but the outcome is still the same -- Rump bombed.) As we've noted, the event is supposed to be a late- campaign showcase of presidential hopeful humor (traditionally self- deprecating) and civility before people head to the polls. That this wasn't what happened at the gala should come as no surprise.
We and others have labeled Rump many things, all labels he richly deserves: racist, misogynist, white nationalist, neo- fascist, con man, fraud, cheat, world- class liar, etc. But underlying all of this is one trait, one enormous flaw that always shows through: Rump's raging narcissism. It is that narcissism -- that grandiose self- love -- that won't permit him to present himself as an object of humor or deprecation no matter what an occasion might call for, like the Al Smith dinner. Instead, the narcissist, craving admiration and validation, and hypersensitive to criticism, hews to his abusive treatment of anyone who wrongs or insults him. Hence, Rump's almost completely humorless performance attacking Secretary Clinton (not so ironically, one of his only laughs came at the expense not of himself, but of his wife Melania).
With every public appearance, Rump piles on more examples of his unfitness, and why he must never be President (or hold any other elective office, for that matter).
* Apologies to the late Henny Youngman.
** h/t Quinn Cummings.
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