Monday, October 3, 2016

"The Apprentice" Insiders: Trump's Misogyny Rampant

We know, we know.  Neo- fascist misogynist Donald "Rump" Trump is a serial sexist horndog (Presidential!).  But, as he mounts his smarmy, old- news attacks on the marriage of Bill and Hillary Clinton, it's more than fair to point out what a miserable sack of sh*t he is in his objectification and demeaning of women (warning: you may want to don a Hazmat suit before reading):
NEW YORK (AP) — In his years as a reality TV boss on "The Apprentice," Donald Trump repeatedly demeaned women with sexist language, according to show insiders who said he rated female contestants by the size of their breasts and talked about which ones he'd like to have sex with. 
The Associated Press interviewed more than 20 people — former crew members, editors and contestants — who described crass behavior by Trump behind the scenes of the long-running hit show, in which aspiring capitalists were given tasks to perform as they competed for jobs working for him. 
The staffers and contestants agreed to recount their experiences as Trump's behavior toward women has become a core issue in the presidential campaign. Interviewed separately, they gave concurring accounts of inappropriate conduct on the set.
Eight former crew members recalled that he repeatedly made lewd comments about a camerawoman he said had a nice rear, comparing her beauty to that of his daughter, Ivanka[snip] 
Randal Pinkett, who won the program in December 2005 and who has recently criticized Trump during his run for president, said he remembered the real estate mogul talking about which female contestants he wanted to sleep with, even though Trump had married former model Melania Knauss earlier that year: "He was like 'Isn't she hot, check her out,' kind of gawking, something to the effect of 'I'd like to hit that.' "  [snip] 
Former producer Katherine Walker said Trump frequently talked about women's bodies during the five seasons she worked with him and said he speculated about which female contestant would be "a tiger in bed." 
A former crew member who signed a non-disclosure agreement and asked not to be identified, recalled that Trump asked male contestants whether they would sleep with a particular female contestant, then expressed his own interest. 
"We were in the boardroom one time figuring out who to blame for the task, and he just stopped in the middle and pointed to someone and said, 'You'd f... her, wouldn't you? I'd f... her. C'mon, wouldn't you?'"  (our emphasis)
So, meanwhile, Rump and his loathesome surrogates (a.k.a., The Philandering Five) take up the attack on the Clintons. As Bakari says,

(Photo: Rump with then- teenage Ivanka - with whom he compares all potential bedmates.)

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