Saturday, October 1, 2016

Today's Cartoon Threefer - "Scary Gary" Johnson

(click on images to enlarge)

(Nick Anderson, Houston Chronicle)

(John Deering, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette)

(Stuart Carlson, via

The Washington Post echoes what others have pointed out about the Libertarian Party and it's flaky nominee:
To those who support him out of disgust with “the system” — or, perhaps, because of his stand favoring marijuana legalization — do you know what else he stands for? He opposes strong federal action to address climate change. He supports the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling, which stands at the core of Sen. Bernie Sanders’s (I-Vt.) criticism of “the system.” Mr. Johnson opposes the national minimum wage. He opposes federal aid for college students. He opposes government involvement ensuring universal health-care coverage. He opposes rudimentary gun regulations. His views do not, as some might suppose, represent a sensible, reality-based combination of fiscal reason and social tolerance; he favors less government even where government is badly needed.  (our emphasis)
Here's your Libertarian belief system for you.


  1. "My favorite world leader?" Why, that would be, Tommy Chong, sorry,no, Cheech Marin".
    I fergit this sometimes. "I read ALL of Them".........................

  2. FM - "It's all kind of hazy... yeah, hey can you pass me some of those munchies?"
