Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Today's Tweet, Counter Tweets

One of the most toxic exemplars of Beltway politics- as- horserace conventional wisdom is the Washington Post's Chris "Lizard" Cillizza.  Relying on his "insider" network of party hacks and hangers- on for their latest self- serving spin, Lizard has built his career on regurgitating that spin into his "The Fix" columns, often in the form of "hot takes" and listicles ("The top ten reasons Republicans are awesome!" -- just kidding sort of).  Apparently he's been on the receiving end of another hot take from (oxymoron alert) a "smart" Republican.  The responses were smarter:

Cillizza's also busy mis-stating the facts in the latest Clinton e-mail nothingburger to synch with Republican talking points.  Douchenozzle.

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