Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Video Of The Day - "Beatific" (UPDATED)

Get out your tissues --

UPDATE:  Ryan Moore will be a guest of Secretary Clinton's at the last presidential debate on Wednesday.

(h/t Nancy LeTourneau, Washington Monthly)


  1. This pisses me off.

    Not because of this wonderful, brave man.

    No, what pisses me off are the very tiny people who deny Hillary, and Ryan, their humanity, their compassion, their actual love and joy and devotion to each other. You see more human love in this piece than you would see in anything Trump has ever done. Real humanitarians, Donald, do what they do out of love and empathy and joy. And those are three emotions you have never experienced.

    As it happens, I have some mutual friends with Hillary. (I have never met her myself, and I don't claim any special knowledge of her beyond this.) I know that she was there for one of my friends, in a difficult situation, and helped that person in every way she could. And she has never spoken of it publicly, nor, do I think, she would. She also has never imposed on that person for a favor, a public endorsement, whatever. It was enough she was a friend when a friend was needed. And I doubt my friend was the only person she so helped.

    So to the sons of bitches out there who demonize her, I say shut up. You are little tiny people, with no characters or souls. You denigrate a person you don't know, and you do it with a leer and a laugh. You are worse than "deplorable." You are inhuman.

  2. Wow. Thank you so much for your testimonial, Jeff. We agree wholeheartedly with your assessments of Secretary Clinton and of her demonizers. Not much more to say but thanks again for sharing your perspective.
