There will continue to be rolling post-mortems about the disastrous Presidential election which resulted in demagogic sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump's win. BBC has a crisp analysis of the major factors, many of which points to Dem voters either not bothering to show up to vote, or deciding to cast their lot with the most unqualified and unhinged man ever elected to the office of President. Here are some maddening factoids:
-- Rump actually received 42% of the female vote; we knew (white) men were drinking Rump's Kool Aid (53% for Rump), but women voting for President Pussygrabber? Really?
-- 29% of Hispanic voters went for Rump, an increase of 2% over Mittens Romney's vote. Deportation force, anyone?
-- 8% of African-Americans voted for Rump, the man who led the racist birther movement in an attempt to delegitimize the first African-American President. Talk about self-hate.But perhaps the most devastating statistic is that 2016 had the lowest voter turnout in 20 years, with only 55% of eligible voters bothering to cast a ballot in this watershed election. The high negatives of both candidates -- those of Secretary Clinton due to years of relentless smearing by the right, aided by our shiny object-chasing broken media and some self-inflicted wounds -- certainly contributed to suppressing "enthusiasm." But that level of voter participation is disgraceful, especially when faced with the existential threat posed by a vengeful, authoritarian sociopath controlling the nation's Federal law enforcement, intelligence apparatus and nuclear codes.
BONUS: Keli Goff adds her views on the non-voters.
BONUS II: Robyn at Wonkette has more burn for the ostensible "liberals" who voted for the shitgibbon.
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