Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Trump Effect - Teaching The Children

All via Raw Story:

-- Pennsylvania voc tech school students shout "White Power" while marching through school with Trump poster.

-- Michigan middle school students chant "build the wall" while Latino students cry.

-- Two Trump bros drove through the campus of Wellesley College waving a Trump flag and harassing black students.

The election was two days ago.  Wonder what the reaction would have been if Trump lost?


  1. And this is just the BEGINNING!!
    Any "divine intervention" out there? Help us ALL!!

  2. I'm old enough to remember when Italians were considered black by the lily white community. I also remember when Irish were called n*****. I think these kids and the college idiots need to be educated on a few things dealing with racism. There's a good chance their white great grandparents went through the racist hazing rituals. Pandora's box has had the lid ripped off. Strap yourselves in, it's gonna be a wild ride.

  3. With apologies to Joseph Conrad, we're looking into the heart of darkness. At least there are no illusions about what's happening.

  4. If the President does it, it's not illegal. 50 years ago conservatives adopted dog-whistles as outright racism became unfashionable. Today's conservatives have been yearning for outright bigotry and Trump provided them unvarnished racism. The WWC will allow themselves to be distracted from Trump's broken bs prmoises as he allows them free reign.
