Thursday, December 22, 2016

Approaching The Apocalypse One Tweet At A Time (UPDATED)

Be sure to thank a Trump supporter today:

"... the world comes to its senses regarding nukes." Most of us would settle for neo- fascist incompetent Donald "Rump" Trump coming to his senses regarding anything.  Also, did you run this by your pal boss Putin?

Less than a month now until the short- fingered vulgarian has control over nuclear weapons policy and the launch codes.  Tick, tock, tick...

UPDATE:  Digby has some more deep thoughts from Rump on "nuclear."


  1. His twit or what ever it was is beyond bizarre and indicative as to how deep the pile is and just how much danger we are in.

  2. This is just a signal to his owner Vlad Putin that when the time comes to turn the Middle East into radioactive green glass, 'Murica and Russia will be launching similtaneously. Trumpocalypse Rising...

  3. Good point. I also think Putin's playing off Trump against China in the hope that that rivalry will consume us and them (literally) and leave Russia standing alone,
