Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The American Taliban Purges Its Own

As Christmas approaches, and as we're beseiged with silly tales about a "war on Christmas" and angry demands that we say "merry Christmas" to any and all, the talibangelical right is behaving in a very (we're shocked!) un-Christian way toward one of its own.  Russell Moore, who heads up the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, is getting a taste of the American Taliban's sense of "religious liberty" after he criticized sociopathic crotch-grabber and serial adulterer Donald "Rump" Trump for having "serious moral problems." He has also criticized the "old-guard religious right political establishment" for their cynical and hypocritical support of Rump.

Some of the Convention's churches are threatening to withhold funding from the Convention, unless Moore is dismissed from his post. Rethug bible-banging bigot Mike "Huckster" Huckabee joined in, criticizing Moore for not falling in line behind Mammon Rump. This is the same Rump who: said he'd never asked God for forgiveness, who couldn't recall a favorite Bible passage, who said condescendingly about communion that he would "drink my little wine, have my little cracker", things that should have raised red flags to the true believers. And that's not even taking into account his sexual assaults on women, his well-documented vulgar language, hate speech, bragging, greed, gambling businesses, and fraudulent business scams. Pick one of these examples and if the shoe were on a Democrat / progressive's foot, they'd be screaming from the steeples.

None of that matters, as the American Taliban is linked irrevocably to the Rethuglican Party and whomever that Party has as its standard bearer, they will march through hell for him....literally.

(photo: "Religious" wingnut Pat Robertson, giving the secret sign of the American Taliban)

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