Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Affordable Health Quote of the Day

"In considering opportunities to make coverage more affordable and accessible to all Americans, it is essential that gains in the number of Americans with health insurance coverage be maintained.
Consistent with this core principle, we believe that before any action is taken through reconciliation or other means that would potentially alter coverage, policymakers should lay out for the American people, in reasonable detail, what will replace current policies." -- an excerpt from the January 3 letter from the American Medical Association to Congress, indicating that the repeal- "Obamacare"-  and- think- about- an- alternative- later dodge of the Rethuglicans is a non-starter to the nation's largest organization representing doctors.

The American Hospital Association released a report last month analyzing the impact of a proposed repeal of the Affordable Care Act without a replacement would mean "the loss of coverage would have a net impact on hospitals of $165.8 billion with the restoration of Medicaid DSH reductions" from 2018 to 2026 (emphasis added). In addition, hospitals would lose $289.5 billion from reductions in Medicare payments under the Rethuglican plan analyzed in the report.

As we note in the post below, while the Affordable Care Act is a punching bag to the 26% nihilist hardcore right who want to erase 8 years of President Obama, 49% of Americans either want to keep it the way it is or expand it.

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