Thursday, January 12, 2017

First They Came For CNN....

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."
                 -- MARTIN NIEMÖLLER
Yesterday's ominous "press conference" was an extension of the disturbed personality of neo-fascist sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump in that it was narcissistic, disjointed, and autocratic. His pathological narcissism demanded that he boast about his coming inauguration with it's super "talent" and about how everyone had underestimated his wealth. He even brought staff and family along to cheer him and boo the press. He flitted from one issue to another, from the unverified report that Russian intelligence had compromising personal and financial information on him to his hasty mention of his proposed Secretary of Veterans Affairs, to quickly passing the lectern to his "conflicts of interest" lawyer.

But perhaps the most chilling part was his specific castigation of and refusal to recognize CNN when it's reporter rose to ask a question, punishment because CNN had the audacity to cover the Russian kompromat story squarely. His reaction is vintage Rump, so fragile emotionally that anything short of praise toward him is met with pettiness and vindictiveness on his part. He went so far as to thank the media outlets that didn't carry the story, or who fearfully watered down their coverage, as they sat in the room and said nothing, as if they'd just received a gold star from the teacher. Good for CNN for pushing back on Rump's attack.

We'll see how CNN's colleagues react to this assault on their independence, particularly in this age of "access" and corporate bottom-line "journalism." Things don't bode well, as Media Matters notes. To his credit, Fux's Shep Smith raised his voice in support of CNN. Meanwhile, NBC's shameful hack Chuck Todd, perhaps trying to ensure Rump and Co. return his calls, criticized the media outlet that first published the 35-page unverified intelligence report that was summarized in and attached to last Friday's briefing of Rump by the heads of our intelligence community. This is the same network that is tacking to the right by hiring Fux dropouts Megyn Kelly and Greta van Susteren. "Then they came for NBC..."

BONUS: No More Mister Nice Blog has further observations about media cowardice in the face of Rump's assault. Deadspin explains why the media's normalizing of Rump has its consequences, as his flouting of civil norms and boundries continues.


  1. Re: MSNBC - Don't forget Chris Matthews ! This might be the year he's re-located to an assisted thinking facility.

  2. Ah, yes, Tweety!

    "Assisted thinking facility" -- might have to borrow that from you!
