Sunday, January 15, 2017

Rethuglican Crime Blotter: Grab 'Em By The.....

It appears that one outcome of the 2016 elections is that some Rethugs now feel they have "permission" to follow their leader's example with women and "grab them by the p*ssy."  Case in point: Trumpist geezer and Rethuglican town official Christopher Von Keyserling was arrested in Greenwich, CT for pinching the genitals of a female employee of the city. Von Keyserling, 71, was charged with fourth degree sexual assault on a 57 year-old female after proclaiming, "I love this new world. I no longer have to be politically correct." After touching her intimately, he scoffed that it would be his word against hers, and that no one would believe her. Wrong. Surveillance cameras apparently captured the assault. Please, please throw the book at him...preferably at his antique crotch.

According to other reports, this old degenerate separately claimed that it was done in "fun," and that he "is the kind of guy that likes to embarrass his teenage daughter" by giving her similar "gigs." First, ewww. Second, he has a teenage daughter? Third, the similarities between this clown and President-elect P*ssygrabber are even more striking, now that he's revealed his interactions with his own daughter. Expect more of these sexual predators coming out of the woodwork, now that their leader has defeated "political correctness."

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