Saturday, February 11, 2017

Is "Spicy" On His Way Out As Press Secretary?

The Washingtonian Magazine reports that White (Supremacist) House press-muppet Sean "Spicy" Spicer may be edged out of his job after a very shaky start, where he's been mocked for his "alternative facts" approach to the job. There are reports that self-promoter Carl "I Dig Me"Higbie, a former Navy SEAL and campaign surrogate for pathological liar and demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump, has interviewed for the press secretary job. Rump's staff is denying the report through various right-wing media outlets (no links). The job of Director of Communications has not been filled, so there could be a move later to put Spicy in that position, but it's clear that the knives are out for Spicy among White House staff.

It makes some sense that Rump might be looking for a more violent forceful spokesperson to shout at the press corps in the daily press briefings, reportedly being upset with Spicy's image and the fact that he was portrayed by Melissa McCarthy on SNL last weekend. In Higbie, he'd have someone with no experience as a journalist or public affairs officer, but someone who favors a Muslim registry and who just days ago disparaged the wartime service of Sen. John McCain. It's just what Rump needs: another bigoted rageaholic on his team.

BONUS: Stephen Colbert suggested a title for Spicy's memoirs last night: "Long Ties, Big Lies, and Made Up Crowd Size: My Crazy Three Weeks in the Trump Administration."

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