While most of us have been focusing on the evil doings in neo- fascist birdbrain Donald "Rump" Trump's Washington (and we mean no disrespect to birds), there've been the usual shenanigans by his legion of Republican Party shitsticks out in "real America" (our emphasis throughout):
South Dakota
Republican State Rep. Wayne "Wayne" Steinhauer speaks for his party when he says there's no need to accommodate women in the workplace for, say, pregnancy! He was objecting to this:
HB 1120, brought to us by Democratic Representative Dan Ahlers and co-sponsored by seven Democrats and four Republicans, would have required firms with 50 or more employees to offer moms and moms-to-be “reasonable accommodations” ..."Reasonable accomodations?!" Why, in Wayne's world, if you don't like what the boss is doing,
“It’s not prison. You can quit,” Steinhauer, a business owner, said during a Monday hearing of the House Commerce and Energy Committee on the bill, HB 1120.To no one's surprise, his sociopathic Republogic prevailed, and the bill was defeated in committee.
Here's a picture of ol' Wayne himself. Speaking of reasonable accommodations, he's the owner of the Best Western Motel in Murdo, SD (pop. 488), so if you're ever unfortunate enough to be caught in that hellhole, be sure to say howdy.

Republican State Rep. Terry Lynn Weaver (who only plays a doctor/ medical ethicist in her own mind) is on a mission, fueled by her righteous ignorance:
A bill filed by a Tennessee Republican aims to make children born through artificial insemination illegitimate.
WMC reported that state House Representative Terry Lynn Weaver is sponsoring HB 1406 to repeal Tennessee current statute, TCA 68-3-306, which declares that children born through artificial insemination are the “legitimate” child of the mother’s husband.Weaver is also a "blues singer" in her own mind and definitely NOT A RACIST as this picture of her with "Aunt Jemima" clearly demonstrates:

But let's end on a happy note.
Counterprotesters outnumbered protesters 10 to 1 at a St. Paul rally Saturday morning calling for the defunding of Planned Parenthood.
Sarah Stoesz, president of Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, called the counterprotest an unprecedented event. A St. Paul police commander on scene estimated the original protesters numbered about 500 while the counterprotesters numbered about 5,000 to 5,500.
“We’ve never seen anything like this at Planned Parenthood here in Minnesota,” Stoesz said. “Here in Minnesota we have 64,000 patients and about 24,000 of them would lose access to their health care if Congress is allowed to so-called defund Planned Parenthood. So it’s a very serious matter and you can see people are taking it very, very seriously.”That's Minnesota Nice.
I can't wrap my head around these ignorant ninnies (aka politicians)that don't read a book, do some research before "introducing bills". This A.I. vs. legitimacy thing is the most ridiculous thing I've heard, at least today, coming from a Repukelicon. Woman at that!! My brother in law remarried & he froze his sperm before his vasectomy & THEY created a beautiful daughter they would never had, had!
ReplyDeleteBITCH racist woman hater. There is a "He-Woman Women's Haters Club, amirite??
You are correct! These are people who believe in the sanctity of life as long as it's the result of procreation in the missionary position with the lights out; then, once the child is born, they're on their own!
ReplyDeleteTRU DAT!! Makin' 'merika Great Again. Goin' back to 1400 A.D?. Actually, I never understood that B.C. vs.A.D. thing. That bible book again.
ReplyDeleteYea, love the zygote, HATE the child.