Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) has seen the leaked House Republican bill* to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), and he has some thoughts:
Let me count thy ways that the leaked GOP ACA repeal plan will totally, completely, monumentally screw you.— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) February 24, 2017
(1) You get a couple thousand bucks to help u buy insurance. That's it. If u aren't rich or healthy, u won't be able to afford anything.— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) February 24, 2017
(2) It gets worse. When u can't afford your premiums bc the tax credit is too small, you get a huge penalty when you try to sign up again.— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) February 24, 2017
(3) Coverage mandates and penalties only work if you make insurance affordable. GOP plan cuts subsidies so much that penalty is unworkable.— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) February 24, 2017
(4) Mandatory benefits are repealed. So even if you CAN get insurance, it doesn't have to cover ANYTHING. Out of pocket expenses skyrocket.— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) February 24, 2017
(5) Oh, and Medicaid expansion is effectively GONE. Millions and millions lose coverage, start using ERs again for health care. Others die.— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) February 25, 2017
(6) Last rant, for now. If you're older, your premiums go WAY up. GOP plan guts premium protections for older consumers.— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) February 25, 2017
* We would offer working titles for the Republican bill: "Afflicting the Afflicted, and Comforting the Comfortable Act of 2017" or perhaps "The Real Health Care Death Panels Act of 2017" or maybe "The Ayn Rand - Paul Ryan Health Care Dystopia Act of 2017." Just remember -- it's all about Freedumb!
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