As promised here are some of the best reactions to the just- unveiled secret Republican plan to enrich the rich and screw everyone else (a.k.a., #TrumpCare):
Did you expect a coherent Health Care plan from someone who has this guy as his doctor?#TheResistance #TrumpCare #FraudsterDon #resist— Elizabeth Warren (@EWarrenPersists) March 7, 2017
Safe to say that Trump's voters will be seriously disadvantaged by House GOP's replacement bill: higher costs & less coverage.— igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) March 7, 2017
#TrumpCare:— Juan, P.E. #RESIST❄️ (@jrivera64) March 7, 2017
Pros: It's not called "ObamaCare"
Cons: It's much worse. Much more expensive, with less coverage.
Trump Voters: "We're in!"
It's not Obamacare 2.0. It's Obamacare 0.5 - a half-assed attempt to preserve ACA successes without spending nearly enough money— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) March 7, 2017
Just to be clear, the only financing mechanism in the AHCA is cuts to Medicaid?— Jonathan Chait (@jonathanchait) March 7, 2017
What a farce. GOP argued Ocare was shoved down throats & neg behind closed doors. This was neg in secret and plopped down w/out CBO score— Philip Klein (@philipaklein) March 7, 2017
POOR PEOPLE: we would like healthcare too— mustard (@nice_mustard) March 7, 2017
GOP: well well well, look who could afford to go to applebee's last april! nice try, moneybags
as far as I can tell the best word to describe the ACA replacement plan is "sociopathic."— Jamelle Bouie (@jbouie) March 7, 2017
One of many good "Obamacare vs. Trumpcare" comparisons:
Yup. As has been noted: Obamacare vs. Trumpcare.— Jerry Saltz (@jerrysaltz) March 7, 2017
Taking incoming from the ultra- right because it's doesn't afflict the poor enough:
Club for Growth, Freedom Works and Heritage all against the House GOP Obamacare bill.— Sam Stein (@samsteinhp) March 7, 2017
And, for more good reading:
Anatomy of a policy disaster: Why Republicans had 8 years to write a health care plan and rushed out a garbage bill— Jonathan Chait (@jonathanchait) March 7, 2017
Can you say "Dead on Arrival"?
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