Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Random Reactions To Rump's Afghan Speech

We noted below that failing demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump's speech last night on Afghanistan was shell-and-pea games in which he said virtually nothing. We've collected some random Twitter reactions to his "I'm-reading-this-for-the-first-time" speech:



  1. It is no wonder he doesn't recall our lack of victory in Vietnam since he wasn't involved; and I guess, since he doesn't know anything about history, he won't know that our exit from Korea was not a "victory" either. P.E.C.

  2. P.E.C. -- He lacks the historical knowledge needed for the Presidency, and he since he's ignorant of it, he can't learn from it. Thanks!

  3. "We (now he uses pronoun 'we'. normally it's Me, I ..) will fight in Afghanistan until; the next solar eclipse, I show my tax returns, I give putin the finger, when Mel holds my hand in public." Oy vey!!!

  4. F.M. -- Until the polar ice cap re-freezes.....

  5. I was trying' to think of one re. climate change. Thank You! (Good One)
