Friday, August 25, 2017

RNC Split Over White Supremacy Resolution

Meeting in Nashville this week, the Rethuglican National Committee is split over whether to adopt a resolution condemning white supremacy. That's right, split. While the chairperson, Ronna Romney McDaniel (Mittens' niece), is urging passage, there are many RNC members who think the move looks "defensive." (We can't offend neo-Nazis and the KKK, who form the most rabid part of our base, can we?).

One Rethug, Colorado party chair Jeff "Jefferson Davis" Hays, objected to the resolution, saying:
"It's amazing that we have been lured into this argument that we're not racists. It's absurd. Why would we feel compelled to do that?"
He has a point, in that they would lose the argument that they're not racists, so why shine a light on it? Another white supremacist sympathizer, Pennsylvania Rethug party chair Val DiGiorgio, went further, backing up neo-Fascist demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump's statement that "both sides" were to blame for the white supremacist riot in Charlottesville, while knocking the media, saying:
"The president was not wrong to point out what the media has failed to point out."
Chairperson McDaniel had the most risible arguments for passing the fig-leaf resolution, coming almost two weeks after the right-wing violence:
"There's no debate. We're affirming we're the party of Lincoln. We are showing the moral high ground by disavowing hate and violence."
Right, "high moral ground" as the "party of Lincoln."  She's referring to the party that adopted the Southern strategy to appeal to racist Dixiecrats who then joined the Rethugs (Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms, Lester Maddox, etc.). The party that used code language to promote segregationist policies ("States rights"), and attack affirmative action and poverty programs. The party that is undermining voting rights for African-American and Latino voters, and the party that made a living from viciously attacking the first African-American President by appealing to white racial animus and birtherism. THAT party? High moral ground? Please. This kerfuffle should surprise absolutely no one, especially Ms. McDaniel.

1 comment:

  1. "It's amazing that we have been lured into this argument that we're not racists. It's absurd. Why would we feel compelled to do that?"

    Because the party rallied around Trump, whose campaign rhetoric, post-election hires, and ongoing statements have raised, at the very least, dark suspicions.

    Do these people really not grasp this?
