Tuesday, August 29, 2017

So Rump's The Unifier Now?

We predicted yesterday that the Beltway media would give sociopathic demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump another "pivot" mulligan in the response to Hurricane Harvey, giving him a chance to show his unifying "leadership." The New York Times' Maggie Haberman took to Twitter and cited an article by her colleague Glenn Thrush about Rump's potential unifying power:

The reactions to her tweet and the referenced article are less than complimentary. Angling for another interview with Rump, are we? Nice little beat sweetener.

Meanwhile, the needy narcissist never misses an opportunity to bask in a political rally, even in the wake of the natural disaster. He couldn't resist remarking on the size of the crowd gathered at a fire station in Corpus Christi: "What a crowd, what a turnout!" The great unifier, indeed.

BONUS: Charlie Pierce weighs in here.


  1. Fuck the Fucking New York Times (FTFNYT). They bet on Trump for the page hits and outraged lefty subscriptions.

  2. They also employ the likes of Ross Douthat, David Brooks and Bret Stephens on their op-ed page, Gene. Aside from pieces on the Russia investigation, not covering themselves in glory so much with articles like this one.
