Sunday, September 10, 2017

Bibi Bomb Bomb's Strange Fruit

Israel's right-wing Likudnik Prime Minister Bibi "Bibi Bomb Bomb" Netanyahu and his wife are embroiled in accusations of corruption, but they have another problem closer to home: their strange 26 year-old son Yair. Last month, in the wake of Charlottesville, he posted that Black Lives Matter and Antifa were more dangerous than the neo-Nazis and Klan. Now, the son posted an anti-Semitic (!) cartoon on his Facebook page that demonstrates that the earlier comments were no fluke. The target of the cartoon appeared to be billionaire Jewish philanthropist George Soros, a familiar target of the far-right, with a cartoon of a "conniving Jewish man," allusions to "the Illuminati," and caricatures of former Prime Minister Ehud Barak and other Israeli figures opposed to Bibi Bomb Bomb.

His posting got rave reviews from neo-Nazis and the likes of former KKK grand dragon and anti-Semitic turd David "Daisy" Duke::
“Netanyahu's son posts a meme suggesting (((Soros))) is controlling the world: ‘Meme rife with anti-Semitic themes,’” Duke wrote, using a three-parenthesis symbol that white supremacists use online to single out Jews.

In another tweet, Duke added, "Welcome to the club, Yair — absolutely amazing, wow, just wow.(emphasis added)
That's quite a club, Yair. But to paraphrase Groucho Marx, you shouldn't want to belong to a club that would have you as a member, especially this one.

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