Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Consciousness Of Guilt, Part Infinity

Last night, neo-fascist Putin loyalist Donald "Rump" Trump sat down to dinner with a group of wingnut luminaries and proceeded to spew venom about his Confederate Attorney General, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, according to reports. His deep anger at Beauregard centers over his recusal from the Russiagate investigation, where Rump wanted Beauregard to "protect" him from the inevitable investigative findings that Putin's Russia assisted him in becoming President, almost certainly with help from Rump and his campaign. Rump expected Beauregard's "loyalty" to him to override his oath to the laws of the U.S., including conflict of interest. It was the "loyalty" test that former FBI Director James Comey failed, leading to his firing over what Rump called "the Russia thing" and about which he boasted to the Russians, no less, in the Oval Office immediately after firing him.

As Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation bores in on Rump, his family and his associates, he'll be looking for more expressions of personal loyalty to him over the law of the land. This is the warped mind of an authoritarian dictator, who is conscious of his own guilt and will stop at nothing to escape justice.

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