Sunday, September 3, 2017

Good Time Donnie

In carefully staged-for-the-needy-press events yesterday in Houston, unfit sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump was on his best behavior, trying mightily to convey an alien emotion -- empathy -- while touring an evacuation center. A little hug here...a little pat there...passing a few styrofoam packages of food from the preparer to the evacuee: the usual, minimal photo op requirements for a President after a natural disaster.

Then, Rump let the mask slip and showed his nature:
"After hugging survivors of the storm, which flooded vast swaths of the nation’s fourth-largest city and displaced tens of thousands of its citizens, President Trump flashed a broad smile to the shelter’s residents and the television cameras. 'Have a good time, everybody!' he said. (emphasis added)
With that, the orange shitgibbon ambled away, probably slathering his hands with Purel. We can presume that, despite Rump's directive, a good time is not being had there.

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