Monday, September 25, 2017

Letters We Wish We'd Written Dept.: Graham-Cassidy Edition

In today's Washington Post, a reader follows the money on the sociopathic Graham- Cassidy bill:
The latest GOP effort to eviscerate Obamacare has had its share of bad press and public outcry. The Sept. 22 editorial “How low will Republicans go?” summed it up. Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) said he could list 10 reasons that it shouldn’t be considered. 
But the reason it is being considered and stands a chance of passage has nothing to do with better health care or the mistaken belief that the Affordable Care Act is detrimental to Americans’ well-being. Big GOP donors, including members of the infamous Koch brothers’ network, have made it clear that spigots spewing campaign money will remain shut until Senate Republicans repeal the ACA and its taxes on the wealthiest Americans. 
In other words, the political party that controls all the levers of power in Washington is willing to allow children to suffer, the poor to forgo medical treatment and cancer patients to die in order to maintain a flood of funding into their campaign coffers. There is no clearer evidence of the corrupt influence that money has on our politics today than this craven exercise of greed. 
Linda Foley, Potomac
This monstrosity isn't dead.  Votes haven't been taken. Don't trust the likes of Sens. Mitch "Missy" McConnell, Lindsey "Huckleberry" Graham, or even ostensible "no" voter "Ayn" Rand Paul. Keep the pressure on, especially on "leaning" Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK). If you call, remember these are two Senators already inclined to be on our side.  Please urge a "no" vote for the good of the country and the tens of millions of Americans would would suffer under Graham- Cassidy.

Sen. Collins:  (202) 224-2523

Sen. Murkowski:  (202) 224-6665

BONUS:  You can also remind them Graham- Cassidy is polling at toxic levels --

(CBS News poll released today)

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