Friday, September 29, 2017

Price Reduction

High-flying Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom "For Sale At Any" Price has resigned been fired by sociopath and hypocrite-in-chief Donald "Rump" Trump. Price's extravagant travel costs -- over $1 million in just a few months -- drew attention away from Rump and his efforts to sell the tax giveaway to his wealthy supporters (and himself).

Price had a shady record as a Congresscritter from Georgia, which included some apparent insider stock deals with a company whose product was regulated by his Congressional Committee. Now, what about other high-flyers like Treasury Secretary Steve "Moochin'" Mnuchin, EPA Administrator Scott "Screw It" Pruitt, and Interior Secretary Ryan "Stinky" Zinke?

BONUS:  Charles Pierce offers his thoughts on Rump's high- flying cabinet --
All of this, of course, comes from more than simply a love for luxury on the part of people who’ve grown accustomed to it. It also flows from the now-nearly-genetic contempt that this particular breed of political fauna has for the very idea of self-government. Government is your alien enemy, they tell us, as they pick our pockets and destroy the political commonwealth and all of its manifestations—like, say, the national parks. Government is our alien enemy, too, they say, as they wreck the lives and nearly sink the international economy while sucking down bailout money. (Hi, Mnooch!) Government is there for them to loot and for us to hate. Why should they care? They’ve got theirs.
And the biggest looter of all sits in the White (Supremacist) House.

(Photo: The Swamp loses one critter, soon to be replaced by another. Also, eyebrows and 'stache must match.)


  1. Maybe Trump can use the government funds he'll save on Price's air travel to pay the Secret Service properly.

  2. The Priceline Negotiator! Name your own Price!

  3. Infidel & Gene -- And "Screw It" Pruitt's 18-man, 24/7 security detail costing around $800 k so far and counting. These people think they're royalty.

  4. President Shitheel is the worst offender. We're all waiting with bated breath for Mueller to wrap this whole shitbag of a administration up and drown the fuckers. (Wow, that was the worst constructed sentence I've ever written!) Sorry, not sorry :>)

  5. Diva -- We agree, and well said, sorry or not.
