Saturday, September 16, 2017

Republican Weasels Make Last Ditch Obamacare Repeal Push

It seems those bastard Republicans will never give up in their quest to afflict the afflicted.  Their latest attempt to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) comes at the end of the current federal fiscal year, when the weasels can pass it with 50 votes rather than 60, which would be needed starting on October 1. They'll be working to jam this through the Senate in the next two weeks, without hearings or regular order it appears.

The last ditch effort is the Graham- Cassidy- Heller bill, named for three of the slickest turds ever to drop into the health care punch bowl: Sens. Lindsey "Huckleberry" Graham (SC), Bill "Kimmel Who?" Cassidy (LA) and Dean "Weasel" Heller (NV). Let's see how this bill 1) trashes health insurance protection and funding and 2) what (mostly Republican) states end up as "winners."

(click on images to enlarge)

That looks like every other penurious, sociopathic Obamacare repeal effort that's come down the pike, doesn't it?  It's insidious, though, because professional liars like Huckleberry, et al, can point to selective states to show increases in federal funding, even though the overall nationwide cuts run to $80 billion by 2026, and 36 states and the District of Columbia will lose funding:

Someone better tell the residents of Louisiana and Nevada that two of their Republican Senators are working overtime to cut their federal health care funding by nearly $4 billion combined!!

The Center for Budget and Policy Priorities has an excellent (though frightening) summary of the changes that would be made by this terrible bill.  If you have a Republican Senator (first of all our sympathies), you need to call them now and let them know you will remember their vote to repeal and replace Obamacare with this monstrosity and vote accordingly.  Here's a directory of Senate phone numbers.

(h/t to No More Mister Nice Blog)

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