Thursday, September 21, 2017

Republicans' Pitch To Alaska's Murkowski: If You Like Your Obamacare, You Can Keep Your Obamacare

A new standard in transparent hypocrisy has been set, ladies and gentlemen:

That would be the same "failing" Obamacare these sociopaths are so eager to repeal for everyone else.

Also, Republicans are too principled to try any of those "Cornhusker kickback" or "Louisiana purchase" maneuvers, oh yes indeedy!


  1. It's absurd. Every fucking month people have to beg their gov to not kill them. Good people trying to make a living have to stop everything and roust these scumbags in Congress who, by the way, receive gov healthcare. It's INFURIATING!!

  2. Diva - I'm hoping that our frustration will be partially eased with the election of a Democratic House in 2018.
