Thursday, September 28, 2017

Trump Blames Non-Existant Hospitalized Senator For Obamacare Repeal Failure -- AGAIN

Flash: Neo- fascist nitwit Donald "Rump" Trump can't add and he's delusional:
President Donald Trump said once again Thursday that the Senate would be able to pass an Obamacare repeal bill but for the missing vote of one hospitalized senator — despite the fact that no senators are currently hospitalized, and even with one extra vote in support of the measure, fewer than 50 senators would support it. 
On Wednesday, the office of Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS) corrected Trump multiple times: The senator was not in the hospital, they said, but rather at home recovering from treatment “for a urological issue.” 
Still, Trump asserted again on Thursday morning that “we have the votes” to repeal Obamacare, but that a hospitalized senator had halted the effort to pass the legislation with a simple 50 votes by Friday using reconciliation. 
So we don’t have enough time, because we have one senator who’s a ‘yes’ vote, a great person, but he’s in the hospital,” he told “Fox & Friends'” Pete Hegseth. “And he’s a ‘yes’ vote. So we can’t do it by Friday.”  (our emphasis)
Some salient observations:

Could someone in the White (Supremacist) House please hide the nuclear launch codes (if you haven't already)?

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