Sunday, September 17, 2017

Tweet Of The Day - Par For The Course

Toddler- in- chief Donald "Rump" Trump was up early this morning before his adult handlers could find something to keep his tiny fingers busy with. The result was that the Man Baby found something he thought was funny enough to retweet*:

For someone who never laughs, that bit of first grade "humor" might have elicited a hearty "hee" from Rump's pie- hole.  His history of misogyny, encouraging violence and bizarre obsession with Hillary Clinton are well- documented. You can now add this trifecta to the list.

Some reactions:



  1. Hey congress you worthless expensive waste of money. WTF RU waiting for!! When does this Fucker in CHIEF warrant an impeachment?? You enablers are just as messed up & evil as he is. You defend him & laugh at his mean BS. You can't tell me that there is NO way to block him or prevent this crap from coming out. WE THE PEOPLE cannot do anything. We're like being held hostage! Thanks, Guys, sometimes I just have to vent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. It's frustrating, but it will end -- not soon enough, but it will end.
