Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Where In The World Is Rex Tillerson?

As the situation with North Korea becomes more and more grave, the absence of Secretary of State and former Exxon CEO Rex "Rexxon" Tillerson becomes more glaring. Nearly every official pronouncement on the situation from the White (Supremacist) House has come from the tweets of unhinged narcissist Donald "Rump" Trump or his UN ambassador Nikki Haley. When Rexxon spoke about the North Korean threat a couple of weeks ago, it was to read a paragraph urging diplomatic efforts, but nothing recently. Meanwhile, Defense Secretary James Mattis and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford are making stops in Seoul, Beijing and Tokyo, with no State Department representation visible.

Rexxon was nominated to the position when Rump's fantasy of aligning his private company's interests with Mother Russia's was still alive, and before Robert Mueller's investigation was launched. After all, Rexxon was one of Russian autocrat Vladimir Putin's favored businessmen, one who tried to skirt the sanctions placed on Russia after their invasion of Crimea, and who received Russia's Order of Friendship from Putin himself. What better apparatchik to conduct a Russia-centric foreign policy? Now that investigations have cooled Rump's heels on his Russian romance, Rexxon seems adrift, absent and unable to fill key positions at the State Department. Indeed, seasoned foreign service personnel are abandoning key posts.

Rumors that an increasingly invisible Rexxon will only remain in his position through the end of the year seem optimistic, given the diminishment of his role particularly vis-a-vis North Korea (and China). We're certain that when he accepted the position he was imagining himself cutting deals with Mother Russia to free up their Arctic oil and assisting Rump's worldwide business / money laundering scam. Now he finds himself on the sidelines, with a depleted staff and seemingly out of favor with the man in the White (Supremacist) House, who Rexxon says "speaks for himself" on American values. Better start the farewell party planning at State.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, rexxon is in place to see that sanctions are lifted. He has. O interest in being dos. He thought it would be easier!
