Thursday, October 5, 2017

Anti-Choice Republican Retiring To Spend More Time With His Hypocrisy (UPDATED)

Are you sitting down? Good. Because this is going to come as a shock to you, no doubt. From HuffPo:
Rep. Tim Murphy (R-Pa.), the professedly pro-life congressman who was revealed to have urged the woman he was having an affair with to have an abortion, will not seek another term in Congress. [snip] 
News of Murphy’s retirement comes one day after the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published text messages indicating that the congressman had pressed a woman he was having an extramarital relationship with to have an abortion. (The woman, whom Murphy admitted to having an affair with last month, ended up not being pregnant.) 
In the text messages, Shannon Edwards called Murphy out on pro-life statements on his Facebook page.  
You have zero issue posting your pro-life stance all over the place when you had no issue asking me to abort our unborn child just last week when we thought that was one of the options,” she wrote. 
Murphy reportedly responded by blaming the posts on his staff, claiming he “read them and winced.” 
That report emerged on the same day Murphy cast a vote in favor of a bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. (The bill passed Tuesday in the House by a 237-189 vote, but is unlikely to garner the 60 votes it needs to pass in the Senate.)  
Murphy previously voted in favor of multiple anti-abortion bills, and has a 100 percent rating from the pro-life Family Research Council.  (our emphasis)
(Ah, yes, the "pro-life Family Research Council," designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Nice.)

A Republican hypocrite. Whoda thunkit?

UPDATEMurphy has now announced he'll resign rather than complete the rest of his term (to get an early start on spending more time with his hypocrisy).

UPDATE II:  Seems Murphy ran a hellish office. Shocking.

(Photo: "Choice for me, but not for thee." Hypocrites aren't always Republicans, but Republicans are always hypocrites.)


  1. Is there a better word we can use rather than hypocrite? It seems too tame.

  2. Coward? Liar? Asshole? Help us out here!
